sedak tempered+: Nothing to see in Dubai

ZAK World of Facades | 22. & 23. April | Dubai, UAE

Prepare to be amazed as sedak presents its revolutionary sedak tempered+ at Zak World of Façades in Dubai, and rest assured, this is no April Fool's joke. With our motto firmly in place, we invite you to join us in celebrating sedak tempered+, tempered glass free from any anisotropies.

Kevin Berni, Ralf Scheurer, and Joan Tarrús are gearing up to showcase sedak tempered+ at the Coca-Cola Arena. Step into our booth and witness firsthand the remarkable difference between conventional tempered glass and the groundbreaking sedak glass.

This is your chance to experience a new era in glass innovation. Don't miss out on the opportunity to witness the unveiling of sedak tempered+ at Zak World of Façades in Dubai.

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sedak at ZAK Dubai